Hosting made simple

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Accent - emphasis laid on a part of an artistic design or compositions 

Host - Place which files are served from
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Hosting Packages Search Engine Optimization We can remotely insure your computer is up to date and secure Using floor plans to help you make the most of your office space and traffic flow

Make sure your data is backed up, we can help you make a plan In studio or on site imaging of your products for all uses Our support pages including contact and free how to resources

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SEO services

SEO (search engine optimization) and Web Hosting services have been available for over 8 years at Accent Host. At first 8 years sounds like a pretty short time, but in the world of Search engines, none of that is important, if your not paying attention to current trends and positions of your most important keywords. AccentHost knows the best approaches for getting your site found. We do not offer guarntees, due to issues that could reach into the history of your site. What we do promise is that we will work diligently to get your site found, after working with you to determin the most important keywords for each page within your site.

We use only White Hat approaches to get your pages found, most of the time working within any frame your site currently uses, to keep design fees to a minimum. If your just designing a site, by working with us to create your site, you will benifit from these SEO best practices imeadiatly, without having to redesgin to gain search engine placement.

Are we cheap? No, we provide fair prices, for solid results. To get started, drop us a line by clicking here and tell us what you have been up to, and where you'd like to be. From there we will tailor a solution that fits your needs and budget. We strive to provide easy to use solutions, because we love to see you grow! Some of our previous results are show below.

Designed and Hosted by
A growing site dedicated to Photography, both digital and 35mm.

SEO Results:
Canon dslr comparison :
1st on Google - 3.8 mil
2nd on Bing - 5.75 mil
1st Yahoo - 44.4 mil provides tips and tricks on getting the most from your DSLR Camera
Los Angeles based Christmas tree lot, with wholesale farm located in Oregon. They were the official tree supplier for The Polar Express premier in Los Angeles.

We have worked with Santa & Sons for years for both SEO and maintenance and are now displaying our 3rd version with flash and Streaming video. The design called for two webcams, one on a 5 second delay and the other at 5 frames per second with sound.

SEO Results:
Noble Fir:

4th on Google - 659k
2nd on Bing - 3.7 mil
5th Yahoo - 46 mil


Santa & Sons Christmas Trees Uses for both retail and wholesale market placement


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