Hosting made simple

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Accent - emphasis laid on a part of an artistic design or compositions 

Host - Place which files are served from
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Hosting Packages Search Engine Optimization We can remotely insure your computer is up to date and secure Using floor plans to help you make the most of your office space and traffic flow

Make sure your data is backed up, we can help you make a plan In studio or on site imaging of your products for all uses Our support pages including contact and free how to resources

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Fung Shui for the Office

Are we Licensed to practice Fung Shui? No, is anyone? What we do know is how to set up an office designed to keep you focused, comfortable and productive. We base our design around comfort, so that you can work long hours with less strain, or can help you to improve your positioning using ergonomic products to keep you comfortable.

We like to use the thought of Fung Shui, to make sure that the work flow is not blocked, which to us seems like common sense to start. From there we borrow from Henery ford the idea of workspace design, so you have the tools you need at your finger tips. Finally we make sure that you are aware of the most up-to-date gadgets, so that your able to maximize the space you have available, while minimizing the space you need to do it.

We will be adding some samples of before and after design ideas in the near future. If you'd like to send us a snap shot of your office, we'd be glad to take a look free. This offer is to allow us to provide our new service, by offering it to you for free, for allowing us to use your case as a sample. Please contact us at

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